With the co-operation of your management team we are able to deliver an exciting customised solution for companies. Besides some of our core programs we have uncovered many different opportunities to make a difference to an employees’ financial life, and your company’s bottom line.
Money, and its inherent stresses and complications when mismanaged or misunderstood, is a universal problem. And it affects everyone in your organisation – from top to bottom ( see the research if you don’t believe us ). We can advise on specific interventions we believe will make a difference in your company. Examples include, but are not limited to: new staff intervention and induction programmes, pre-emptive festive season workshops and including employees’ partners in order to realise remarkable personal finance transformations.
About your company-specific requirements – whether they relate to your employees or customers – and we’ll come up with a bespoke solution that’ll knock your socks off. You’ll need to be specific about your objectives, timeline and budget and we’ll do the rest. It really is that easy.
Once we have completed your company’s needs analysis as explained above we require very little internal resources to run the program. Please contact us › to explore how we can add value to your business.
Most employees agree that January is ‘the longest month of the year’ due to receiving their pay too early in December. This invariably means staff begin the year with low morale instead of arriving back rested and full of energy.
Studies in the USA
show that changing employee’s financial behaviour is actually easier than changing their diet and exercise habits.
The result?
Decrease in stress and related health-care costs.
The Money School has extensive experience creating & implementing successful Employee Financial Education programs for a wide range of clients, including some major financial services companies in South Africa.
Among consumers with annual incomes of R300k - R500k, debt to disposable income was just over 100%. For those earning R500k - R750k, the level was 130%, and for those earning more than R750k, the level fell to just under 120%.
Source: Study conducted by the
University of SA’s Bureau of
Market Research in 2008.
What we propose is working with you to promote the right blend of workshops and well-timed talks enhanced by our communication platform to engage your staff to participate in working towards their own financial
Gary Kayle, Money Coach SA
We are confident that this exercise had an immediate return on investment…
Read the testimonial
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